What is a home inspection?

A home inspection is a non-invasive examination of the physical structure and systems of a house, from the foundation to the roof of the property.

How is a home inspection different than an appraisal?

Home inspections are looking for health, safety and condition of the property, in addition to, areas of deferred maintenance and functional obsolescence. Appraisals are looking to place a dollar value on the home.

What is an inspection report? How and when will I get it?

We will provide you with a typed, easy to read, detailed report with photos that address the components and conditions of the building. This PDF will be emailed within 24 hours of the completion of the inspection. This is consistent with all of our home inspections, sewer line inspections and septic inspections.

Do you tell us whether or not to purchase the property?

No. With that being said, we understand that the condition of the home is one of many pivotal pieces of the puzzle when buying a property so we will provide you with the information and knowledge to allow you to make an informed decision.

What does a home inspection include?

The standard home inspection will cover the condition of the home’s heating system, interior plumbing system, electrical system, the roof, attic and visible insulation; walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors; the foundation, basement and structural components. It is important to understand that there are some exceptions to this. If certain areas are inaccessible such as a locked door, tenant’s belongings in the way or unsafe conditions including severely steep roofs or poor structural integrity, the inspector will explain the situation and note that they were not able to assess that specific area or system in the inspection report.

Do the homebuyers have to be there?

It is not required for the homebuyer to be present for the inspection. However, we highly encourage the homebuyer to attend the inspection. By doing so this will allow us to have an open conversation as we explore the details of the property and to allow any questions to be answered along the way. Many homebuyers find that talking with their inspectors gives them a better understanding the condition of the home and how to maintain it.

Can a house fail a home inspection?

A home inspector will not pass or fail a house. We will describe its physical condition and indicate what components and systems may need any repairs or replacements, minor or major.

What if the inspection report reveals problems?

It is important to understand that no house is perfect. Every home inspection will identify issues with the property and the inspector will communicate the severity of the problems found so that you are fully aware of any issues, risks, or health concerns that may impact your decision. If there are major problems found, homebuyers may wish to negotiate with the seller to make repairs or cover their costs.

What if I have questions after the inspection or after obtaining my report?

Contact us! We understand how important the purchase of a home is and we are here for you until the very end. We want you to feel confident and understand the findings of the inspection so you can make an educated decision surrounding the property.

Why are sewer inspections necessary?

The portion of the sewer line that connects the property to the main sewer line in the street is owned and maintained by the property owner. The city does not cover any repairs or maintenance to this area, even if it is not within your property lines.